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Deadpool is one of the most popular characters in the last 6 years, and a huge reason for that is because of the 2016 film Deadpool which skyrocketed the character into fame. He’s one of the most bizarre characters to ever exist in the Marvel world, and whether it’s his off-the-wall antics or signature 4th wall-breaking antics, something about the character has managed to engage an entire world of Marvel fans, and his popularity has only increased.
What a lot of people don’t know about Deadpool, though, is how incredible the supporting cast of characters that inhabit his comics is. The characters are far from the typical supporting characters, and because of that, you get some completely weird personalities and other murder-happy citizens of the Marvel world. There are also plenty of characters who probably don’t fit into any particular category of villain or hero and are simply just either out for themselves or characters that can switch sides depending on what their agenda is in that particular story.
With that in mind, we’re going to explore a ton of characters in the Deadpool universe on both the ally and neutral spectrum. When it comes to Deadpool, pretty much any of the characters can become a hero or enemy depending on what the situation is, so take these categorizations with a grain of salt. Not many of the characters that surround Deadpool are considered good, but they are what they are, so let’s check out everyone that interacts with the Merc with the Mouth.
Are There Characters Specific to Deadpool Comics?
Deadpool is one of the newer heroes in the scheme of things in the Marvel Universe, and that means that he’s been a guest in a ton of different comics. To go along with that, the characters that he interacts with in most stories manage to make their way into tons of other comics as well as ones that have their own as well.
There are a couple of characters that are specific to Deadpool, too, although some of these are villains or anti-heroes who just wouldn’t make sense going up against anyone else.
What Kinds of Characters inhabit Deadpool’s World?
It’s quite the group when it comes to Deadpool characters. They come in a few different varieties. They’re typically either murderers, hitmen, anti-heroes, crazy people, people from the future, animals, or an actual severed head. Yup, it’s completely insane and right in line with Deadpool himself, so why would you expect anything else?
Aside from those types, Deadpool actually cavorts with plenty of superpowered teams himself and finds himself in some really big profile fights where he manages to play a huge role. Hilariously, he’s still breaking the 4th wall when working with characters that star in other comics, showing he has truly no limits to how he’ll act.
Who Are Deadpool’s Allies?
Deadpool’s allies come in many different forms, and he actually manages to get some well-known names on his side a bunch of times. He also teams up with some nefarious characters who are pretty much villains in most other stories.
Yup! One of the most popular characters of all time has become a consistent ally of Deadpool. Now, it’s mostly reluctant, but the X-Men’s most dangerous hero has teamed up with the Merc with a Mouth on many occasions, and while Logan isn’t a huge fan of Deadpool’s nonstop talking and personality, the two make for an incredibly fun and intriguing pair that among the most effective combat duo you can imagine. Deadpool uniquely wields a sword that Wolverine is completely terrified of called the Muramasa Blade, which may be a reason that he’s more inclined to team with him rather than fight with him.
I love these two in the comics, and if you thought the movies alluding to the two of them having a relationship of sorts was random, think again and check out some of their misadventures in the comics, as they could spawn a movie on their own.
Domino is a certified badass and has one of the cooler powers out there. Her power is to simply become lucky. That luck has rendered her nearly immortal, with all harm that comes her way being avoided pretty much all of the time. Her interactions with Deadpool are mostly civil, and she’s actually one of the main members of the X-Force, a spinoff of the X-Men that was headed by Cable but also involved Deadpool a lot of the time. They also clash plenty of the time as well, considering Domino is something of a freelancer and will take whatever job she can find.
Domino is a pretty unique character in the comics and also one of the hardest to kill. This makes her lack of allegiance so dangerous because you never know who is going to have her incredibly valuable luck power on her side. She’s a game-changer, and whose game she’s changing shifts from story to story.
Daredevil is one of the most strict to his code superheroes out there, and just like Spider-Man, he does not like killing his enemies. Deadpool, on the other hand, usually murders with glee, so the pairing of the two might seem a little unorthodox at first. When they teamed up, though, it was the start of Deadpool’s fully embracing of the hero side of him, and soon, Daredevil and Deadpool became an incredibly effective duo in battle while patrolling the city together.
It’s hilarious how many super-serious characters Deadpool has managed to win over through his time in the comics, and despite his obvious lunacy and grey morals, other superheroes gravitate towards him just the same.
Rogue is one of the more interesting characters in X-Men because of her unique abilities that literally never let people get close to her. With that in mind, Deadpool and Rogue are pretty much the perfect match. One is completely insane and rarely lets people get close to them while also having the ability to regenerate from any injury, while the other can literally kill you just by touching you. Their union is even more touching when it’s revealed that Deadpools hideous scarring has been removed following their first kiss, as Rogue can absorb the powers of those she makes contact with.
Rogue is a stupid powerful character in the X-Men and her being willing to absorb Deadpool’s malformities just to be with him is one of the more disturbing scenes in comics, but it actually shows that there can be some with a soft spot for the Merc with a Mouth.
You might know her better as Vanessa from the Deadpool movie, but she would go on to become a mutant herself. Deadpool calls her a hooker with a heart of gold, and the two made for a perfect pair that were in love, although Deadpool scorned her when he received his cancer diagnosis that led him to the Weapon X program. Copycat and Deadpool have been allies at times and enemies at others, but she still harbors love for Deadpool and shows her jealousy any time that Deadpool ends up looking for another woman.
You wouldn’t think that Deadpool could find love considering how completely insane he is, but Copycat is infatuated with him, and the two make for an interesting pair that is sweet to witness, for better or worse.
Although they are going against each other in Deadpool 2, the comics have the two of them as the best of friends. To be fair, Deadpool was hired to kill Cable at the start of their friendship, but over time, they managed to develop quite a liking for each other, and when it comes to allies on the battlefield, the two are a devastating team. This is what led Cable to invite Deadpool to join the X-Force. Deadpool gets on his nerves at times, but ultimately, his goals align with Deadpool’s most of the time and proves to be one of his most valuable allies.
Deadpool seems to be a tough one to get along with, and luckily for him, Cable is exactly the same way, which makes them the perfect match.
Blind Al
If you saw Deadpool, you might’ve noticed his blind roommate. The movie sweetens up their relationship a bit, but Blind Al is one of Deadpool’s closest allies. He actually kidnaps her at first and even tortures her friends at times when she tries to escape, but other than that, they’ve had a strong friendship. Blind Al is essentially the mother that Deadpool never had, and despite having no powers, she keeps Deadpool in line when he goes out of line.
Blind Al is a hilarious character in a pretty dire circumstance, and she manages to be calm and collected during her time in Deadpool’s captivity.
If you thought that Deadpool reminded you of Spider-Man at first, you weren’t wrong. Deadpool was inspired by Spider-Man, and it’s where he gets his sarcasm and quippy nature from. These two manage to have plenty of adventures together throughout the comics, and much of the time, Spider-Man isn’t really having all that much fun. Deadpool, on the other hand, has a blast hanging out with Spider-Man, actually saying that he loves him on many occasions. Spider-Man hates Deadpool’s murderous ways, but Deadpool acts like they’re brothers, and he relishes the missions the two of them go on together. They even have their own series together, and watching these polar opposite heroes go quip for quip is a delight.
While it’s certainly an uneasy friendship, watching Spider-Man reluctantly team up with one of the most murderous psychopaths in comic book history is simply too fun to hate on. Sorry Spidey, but you need to keep hanging out with the Merc with a Mouth for the good of comic fans everywhere.
Captain America
I bet you weren’t expecting this one, right? Well, even the heavily corrupt Deadpool has a soft spot for Cap and respects him more than pretty much any other superhero out there. When it came time to choose sides for the Civil War, Deadpool obviously sided with the anti-government Cap, and it led to the two teaming up on several occasions. Cap manages to look past Deadpool’s antics and sees him for the hero that he could truly be. Despite that, Deadpool’s antics rarely let up around Captain America and manages to annoy him as much as any other character he comes across. How sweet.
The friendship between these two is amazing simply because Captain America is somehow tolerating the leagues and leagues of people Deadpool has murdered in order to try and coax a real superhero out of him. Whether that faith will be rewarded still has yet to be seen.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
It’s quite the name for sure, but Elli Phimister more than lives up to it by being one of the most powerful Marvel characters to come along in a long time. She’s got psionic abilities, can alter reality, and also turn herself into a living nuclear warhead, so yeah, she’s pretty damn strong. She is one of Deadpool’s most powerful allies and shows it off during her time with the Mercs for Money group that Deadpool founded. If you’ve seen the movies, she also was featured prominently there, although her powers were limited to turning herself into a bomb.
She has reemerged in recent years thanks to the movies after seemingly being killed off early in her comic run, which is a good thing because she’s an endlessly intriguing character with some serious edge to her and fits in perfectly with Deadpool’s band of misfits.
Eleanor Wilson
If there is anyone that is actually purely good on this list, it’s Eleanor Wilson or, as Deadpool calls her, Ellie Belly. She is the daughter of Wade Wilson and Carmelia Camacho and loves Deadpool more than anything in the world. That’s at least how it starts. She is obsessed with her father, but she doesn’t meet him until later in life when she finally sees who he really is. When she meets Deadpool, the obsession wanes a bit, but Deadpool does his best to shape her to be more of a good guy than he’s ever been. She even inherits many of his abilities, like the Healing Factor, as well as some impressive fighting abilities.
While Deadpool can be as murderous as they come and has racked up an insane headcount over the years, Ellie seems to keep him grounded in reality when they are together, and while he might not be the hero she dreamed of as a kid, he does his best to turn her into one in her own right.
Deadpool and Collussus have a hilarious relationship, and if you’ve seen the Deadpool movies, that relationship played out in hilarious fashion in there, and the same goes for the comics as well. Colussus is much more serious in the comics than in his movie portrayal, but their dynamic remains the same. Colossus is incredibly powerful, and one of the leaders of the X-Men, and his partnership with Deadpool is both hilarious and touching as Colossus constantly tries to get Deadpool to join the X-Men, which, as you might guess, is a failed endeavor.
Colossus has always been one of my favorite X-Men, and it’s a shame that he’s been he’s never been utilized the way the Deadpool comics use him. He’s an insanely powerful character with some fun personality to go along with it and him mixed with the Merc with a Mouth is a match made in comic book heaven.
Who Are The Neutral Characters in Deadpool Comics?
While you can say that a lot of the characters in the Deadpool universe are pretty neutral, some of them are clearly more in the grey area of characters than others. Let’s check out some of them.
Lady Death
Yeah, you’re right; this one is pretty weird. Lady Death is the personification of Death in the Marvel world, and she is the exact motivation for Thanos destroying the universe. One thing standing in his way, though, is Lady Death’s fascination with Deadpool because of how tough it is to actually kill him. This causes Lady Death to fall in love with him for it. She longs to be with him and be the one that can finally deliver him to Death. Thanos gets jealous of this and uses the Infinity Gauntlet to curse Deadpool with eternal life. Yup, that’s a weird curse for sure, but it makes it so that Lady Death can never have him.
Their relationship is pretty insane and funny, as Deadpool constantly pledges to let people murder him in order to be with her. This all dissolves when Deadpool uses his healing factor to fuel his revenge, and eventually, it causes him to stop being able to actually see Lady Death.
Diamondback is one of the original members of the Serpent Society, which is a group that used to give Captain America a whole lot of trouble, but recently, she’s set out on her own and actually come to the good guys. She’s notorious for dating around the Marvel world and has already had multiple flings with Captain America, and most recently, she’s had her eye on Deadpool. The two seem to be headed towards a romance of sorts ever since they met up when becoming the group known as Hotshots. Deadpool romances don’t usually go well or end well, but it’s always fun to see just who actually falls in love with the 4th wall-breaking, chimichanga-eating psychopath that he really is.
Diamondback might not have superpowers, but her athletic ability, gunplay, and expert combat skills make her a worthy match for Deadpool, and there’s a reason she’s been one of the more notorious members of the Serpent Society over the years.
The relationship that Deadpool and Bullseye have is one of the most insane that any characters have in Marvel that I can think of. If you thought the Lady Death thing was weird, wait till you hear this one. Deadpool and Bullseye are pretty much arch-rivals that love each other. They are constantly at odds, often assigned to opposing missions, and have nearly killed each other more times than I can count, but despite that, they always manage to throw back a beer together and laugh it off. This includes the time when Bulleye literally shot an arrow threw Deadpool’s head and, instead of killing him, let him wander around like a zombie. Even though they’ve come close to murdering each other on many occasions, it’s implied that they have known each other since they were children, and their bond is bizarre but strong as it gets.
These two clash a ton of the time, but they love the battles against each other, and neither one seems to want to be the one to end the other’s life. The closest to ending it all happened when Bullseye followed a hit that was out on Deadpool and told him he was going to feed him through a woodchipper, then feed the remains to piranhas, set the piranhas on fire, and snort the ashes. He decided against this brilliant plan when he found out Deadpool put the hit out himself. Classic.
Taskmaster is one of the most morally grey characters you can find in the comics, and he defines the neutral character ideal in many ways. He isn’t good or evil, but rather just a curious character with a unique set of goals. Taskmaster and Deadpool have come up against each other on many occasions and always seem to share a friendly banter even when they’re in the midst of trying to kill each other. Taskmaster is endlessly fascinated by Deadpool because he can’t seem to figure him out any time they battle. His power is being able to copy anybody’s fighting style, but Deadpools unlimited unpredictability has constantly baffled Taskmaster, and it’s bred a lasting respect between the two.
Taskmaster and Deadpool have some of the funniest battles you’ll see on a comic book page, and you can tell that neither one is really wanting to kill the other because of how much fun they’re having fighting each other. They’re both mercenaries of sorts, so it makes sense to find them on opposite sides of conflicts on more than one occasion, but sometimes they work together, which is just comic book gold.
Hit Monkey
A thoroughly ridiculous character, Hit Monkey has been a consistent thorn in Deadpool’s side for many years. The two are pretty much unkillable, which makes their encounters so much fun to read through because no matter how bad one beats the other, due to both having healing powers, they keep regenerating to fight again and again. Hit Monkey specializes in taking hits on other criminals and mercenaries, so Deadpool has crossed his sights on more than one occasion. The two have some of the funniest fights, as you can imagine Deadpool vs. a homicidal monkey might be, but they also share a mutual respect because of each’s ability to withstand the other’s beatdowns.
I mean, it’s not out of character for Deadpool to repeatedly have to murder an assassin monkey throughout his journey, but still, the interactions between Hit Monkey and Deadpool are so thoroughly absurd that you just have to laugh. That’s despite the brutal killing’s Deadpool unleashes on him on a consistent basis, but he always comes back regardless.
Michael the Necromancer
Only Deadpool would find a way to hang out with a literal Necromancer. Michael is an interesting one as his big goal is to bring back all the dead presidents of the USA for…reasons. He ends up meeting Deadpool after he gets ejected from SHIELD, as it turns out they don’t love how he conducts his business. They team up, and in a unique favor to Michael, Deadpool murders him to send him to hell so he can recruit Mephisto to take down the demon he sold his soul to. Only in Deadpool comics can a favor be done by murdering that very person.
These two have one truly bizarre storyline together, and it shows off the unique aspects of Deadpool’s colorful cast of characters, as I can’t really think of other heroes that send their friends to hell in order to recruit demons for the greater good.
Question: Is Deadpool a good guy?
Answer: Deadpool manages to be all over the spectrum of good and evil throughout his time in the comics, but most of the time, he borders on the hero/anti-hero spectrum and rarely goes full-on villain anymore.
Question: Can Deadpool die?
Answer: Ever since Thanos cursed him with immortality, it’s become pretty impossible to fully kill Deadpool. There are characters who have incapacitated him for long periods of time, but it’s been very difficult to actually put him down for good.
Question: Is Deadpool in the X-Men?
Answer: He’s been asked to join many times but usually evades fully joining them, although he has many adventures with members of the X-Men along the way. He is, however, part of X-Force, which is a spinoff of the X-Men headed by Cable, who is Cyclops’s son from the future.
Deadpool is a completely insane character, so of course, plenty of the characters he hangs out with are going to be on the crazier side. Hopefully, this article helped you get to know some of the wilder personalities in Deadpool’s world.
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