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Spider-Man is one of the most beloved heroes worldwide. His story has captured the hearts of possibly billions and spanned several decades of writers and tales.
An old adage states that a hero is only as great as the villain they defeat. While I disagree with this on the surface, it is true when broken down metaphorically. In Spider-Man’s case, it is not a metaphor at all.
His villains have been just as iconic and extraordinary as he. From Mad Scientists, Powerful Crimelords, and even Alien invaders, Spider-Man has made enemies of some of the most powerful, dastardly, and deranged villains in all of comicdom.
For your reading pleasure, we will do our best to list them all out for you here in this comprehensive guide to the many arch-nemesis of Spider-Man.
A Quick Rundown of this Article
- The comics each villain first appeared in.
- The abilities and some important notes of each enemy.
- Look for the ICONIC symbol for the most common/well-known Spider-Man villains.
- Which have appeared in films and what films you can see them in.
- Our thoughts on the winner for worst and best Spider-Man Villain at the end.
- Alphabetic Order for easier browsing this mass of bad guys.
The Menagerie 
- Alistair Smythe: Annual #19 (November 1985) A human with a talent for building robots, usually evil robots. Builds and becomes one of the Spider-Slayers. Kills J. Jonah Jameson’s Wife.
- Answer AKA Aaron Nicholson: Amazing Spider-Man #91(June 1984) His body will generate the answer to whatever he needs at a particular time. This means he can be gifted briefly with superhuman strength, flight, and even Spidey Sense level reaction Worked primarily for Kingpin and was temporarily killed by the hero Dagger.
- Beetle AKA Abner Jenkins: Strange Tales #123 (August 10, 1964) A man in a super-type military beetle suit. He was a villain to many heroes but more commonly Spider-Man. Eventually, he becomes a hero as a Thunderbolt.
- Black Abbot: Marvel Team-Up #147 (November 1984) Mind control, mental blasts, some telekinesis, and even disintegration. Spider-Man teamed up with Thor to take him down.
- Black Cat AKA Felicia Hardy: Amazing Spider-Man #194 (July 1979)(ICONIC) Tykokenesis, aka, she can cause anyone to have bad luck. An on-again-off-again romantic partner of Spider-Man. She’s very agile and has claws. Her powers also grant her a bit of magic protection, and she jumps between Vigilante, Hero, and Villain quite often. Appears without powers in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. She is also the first person Parker willingly reveals his identity to in the comics.
- Black Tarantula AKA Carlos LaMuerto: Amazing Spider-Man #419 (January 1997) Similar to Spider-Man but no Spidey Sense or Webbing. He does have healing abilities through his hands, even recovering from fatal injuries to himself or others. Shoots blasts from his eyes and enhances sight. This Tarantula is a formidable enemy and once beat Parker nearly to death. Believe it or not, he becomes a hero too, often a close friend of Daredevil and enemy of the Hand.
- Boomerang AKA Fred Myers: Tales to Astonish #81 (July 10, 1966) Excellent at boomerang combat. That’s kind of it. An expert pitcher, otherwise just a human. Fred and Peter become friends during the Lifelink Tablet story Arc. He gets close to Spider-Man and Parker(not knowing they are the same person) to trick Spidey into helping him. Although successful, Fred felt terrible about it and left an apology note. Ha. He is nearly iconic.
- Burglar: Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962) He is the man who killed Uncle Ben. Lowkey the most iconic for starting it all.
- Carnage AKA Cletus Kasady: Amazing Spider-Man #344(As Kasady in December 1990)#360(As Carnage in April 1992)(ICONIC) The red symbiote with regenerative healing, superhuman strength, danger-sense, manipulation of his own matter to make his body-parts into weapons. Carnage was such a massive foe to Parker that he was only able to take him down with the help of Venom. Carnage has continued to be a problem for many heroes. Also, it’s kind of Venom’s kid, really. Although his first reveal is briefly in #360, full-on Carnage makes his presence known in issue #361 of The Amazing Spider-Man comics. You can see actor Woody Harrelson play him in Venom: Let There Be Carnage.
Carnage - Carrion Originally a Marcus Weller Clone: The Spectacular Spider-Man #25 (December 1978) The powers of Carrion are levitation and a kind of death touch. He has telekinesis, regeneration, minor telepathy, superhuman strength, and the ability to become intangible. Also, any living thing that touches him is burnt.
- Carrion AKA William Allen: Spider-Man: Dead Man’s Hand #1 (February 1997) Similar powers as the prior.
- Chameleon AKA Dmitri Nikolayevich “Anatoly” Smerdyakov: Amazing Spider-Man #1 (March 1963) (ICONIC) That’s his long name, not two people. He started just being skilled at his job as a manipulative villain but got an overhaul and now can mutate to resemble anyone. His half-brother is Kraven the Hunter. He once attempted to kill Aunt May, and she poisoned his cereal, knocking him out! A darker version of him is shown to have no powers but to murder victims with acid. He learns to mimic their voice through their cries and then wear their…its dark.
See also: Spiderman Characters Guide
- Doctor Octopus AKA Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius: Amazing Spider-Man #3 (July 1963)(ICONIC) A scientist gone mad. Bit of a theme. Yet, this one is iconic. Matches Parker’s brains in addition to having four robotic arms that react at a faster than the average human to attacks against Otto and are powerful weapons of destruction. Doc Ock once tried to murder Black Cat right in front of Spider-Man and once tried to Marry Aunt May to gain control of a nuclear-powered facility. You can see him in the movies, Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man: No Way Home. Portrayed by actor Alfred Molina.
- Doppelganger AKA Spider-Doppelganger: The Infinity War #1 (July 1992) Looks like a spider-human hybrid with all of Spider-Man’s powers, more or less. Cool fight in the SNES videogame: Maximum Carnage.
- Electro AKA Maxwell Dillon: Amazing Spider-Man #9 (February 1964) (ICONIC) Can conduct, absorb, shoot out and ‘ride’ electric currents such as powerlines by becoming one with them, somehow. Plausibly one of the more powerful villains, he is often defeated by water or being short-circuited or overloaded. He is constantly part of the Sinister-Six as well as a continuous threat throughout the Web-Slinger’s comic history. Portrayed in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man: No Way Home movies by Jamie Foxx. A female Electro, Francie Frye, occasionally wields the same power and mantle.
- Finisher AKA Karl Fiers: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 (November 1968) A human who, while working for the Red Skull, killed Peter Parker’s mother and father, who happened to be CIA agents. Peter almost kills him, but he manages to skim away.
- Foreigner AKA Kris Keating: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #115 (June 1986) An Assassin who becomes romantically involved with Black Cat. He is human for the most part but can induce a ten-second trance in his enemies.
- Green Goblin AKA Norman Osborn: Amazing Spider-Man #14 (April 1964) (ICONIC) This is the man, I mean the monster that causes the death of Gwen Stacey in the comics. Much later, he even kills Spider-Man and Mary Jane’s unborn child! He has superhuman strength, durability, stamina, enhanced speed, quick-healing, and enhanced reflexes. Portrayed by William Dafoe in Spider-Man(2002) and Spider-Man: No Way Home
The Green Goblin - Green Goblin AKA Harry Osborn: As Harry Osborn: The Amazing Spider-Man #31 (December 1965) As Green Goblin: The Amazing Spider-Man #136 (September 1974)(ICONIC) The son is just as iconic as the father. Often portrayed as Peter’s friend, he suffers from insanity and develops a multiple personality disorder. He becomes the Green Goblin and tries to kill Peter Parker/Spider-Man multiple times but can never let himself go through with it. Portrayed in the Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man by James Franco. Portrayed by actor Dane DeHaan in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
- Grey Goblin AKA Gabriel Stacy: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #1(July 2018) Intended to make Norman Osborn and Peter Park suffer. The family name, Stacy, is no coincidence. Sliced from Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn’s DNA, a pair of twins made so Peter would think Norman and Gwen had children before she died in an affair. The Green Goblin DNA made them age rapidly and die. However, before death, the brother took the goblin serum. He turned into the Grey Goblin, attempting to kill Parker, his sister stopped him from succeeding.
See also: Iron Man Suits Guide
- Hammerhead AKA Joseph: Amazing Spider-Man#113 (October 1972) Cybernetic upgrades for superhuman strength and durability. One of the crime bosses in New York who doesn’t hesitate to seize power whenever the Kingpin disappears.
- Hobgoblin AKA Roderick Kingsley: Amazing Spider-Man#238 (March 1983)(ICONIC) I could make six more entries off the Hobgoblin, but they all usually have the same powers as the Green Goblin, just not as threatening as him due to different mindsets perhaps. Some of them are just regular people borrowing the throwing pumpkin bombs and riding a glider to steal money. Here are some of the other names. Arnold “Lefty” Donovan, Jason Macendale, Phil Urich, Daniel Kingsley, Edward “Ned” Leeds(brainwashed to be the Hobgoblin and later killed), and a few others.
- Human Fly AKA Richard Deacon: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #10 (1976) Powers are similar to Spider-Man except for no Spidey Sense or enhanced healing. Exchange the agility for wings and thus flight. Exchange webs for a nasty acid spit. He is not as strong as Spider-Man overall, though.
- Hydro-Man AKA Morris Bench: Amazing Spider-Man #212 (January 10, 1981) This one almost makes iconic status because of how often he appears against Spider-Man. His body can be/is entirely water, and he can manipulate the water he comes in contact with. He is an all-around pretty powerful foe used throughout the Marvel Universe as an antagonist here and there.
- Jackal AKA Miles Warren: Amazing Spider-Man#129 (February 1974) (ICONIC)In design, quite similar to the Green Goblin. Jackal’s hate for Spider-Man comes from his love for Gwen Stacy. Driven mad by her death and turning to try to bring her back via cloning, he soon murders an assistant. That sends him down the rabbit hole. He becomes a long-term thorn in the side of Peter Parker. His powers come from a scientific formula that lets him transform. He also uses equipment that enhances his strength. He is responsible for erasing Parker’s memories and making him become the Scarlet Spider as Ben Reiley during the Clone Saga.
- Kindred AKA Sarah/Gabriel Stacy: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #24(June 2019) As listed under Grey Goblin, these are the twins made by Harry Osborne. Brought back to life by Mephisto to deal with Spider-Man because Mephisto learns of a prophecy about Parker’s daughter ending his reign in Hell. The twins share the mantle of Kindred and possess the same powers. They use nasty-looking centipede things to devour their enemies, which they can control. They have the capability of resurrection, teleportation, dream projection, and superhuman strength.
- Kingpin AKA Wilson Fisk: Amazing Spider-Man #50 (July 1967) (ICONIC) Perhaps the most recognizable figure from Spider-Man’s world of villains, Fisk is the key villain to many heroes in New York. Many may recognize that Michael Clarke Duncan portrayed Kingpin in the movie Daredevil with Ben Affleck. Or portrayed by Vincent D’Onofrio in the popular Netflix series(now on Disney+) Daredevil. The super-strong, extremely durable, brilliant villain is feared and respected throughout the villain world and often outsmarts or brutalizes the heroes who stand against him. Spider-Man, like Daredevil, is plagued by this enemy throughout his comic years.
- Kraven the Hunter AKA Sergei Kravinoff: Amazing Spider-Man #15 (August 1964)(ICONIC) Kraven is a master hunter with powers akin to a super soldier and a dedication rivaled by few. He is driven insane eventually by his inability to best Spider-Man. Spider-Man is often one of his hunts, and he even is one of the Sinister Six in his early days. Kraven has become a popular fixture in more comics than just Spider-Man. The years aged the Kraven character well, and his daughter and son currently carry on the title of Kraven the Hunter together.
- Living Brain: Amazing Spider-Man #8 (January 1964) A robot programmed by Dr. Petty initially. It appears several times over the years, even as a member of the Sinister Six for a short time.
- Lizard AKA Dr. Curtis “Curt” Connors: Amazing Spider-Man #6 (November 1963)(ICONIC) A scientist, doctor, and teacher of Peter Parker. Curt tries to develop a serum to regrow his lost arm. It turns him into a giant Lizard-like monster with Incredible Strength, Claws, regenerative abilities, agility, and a tough hide. He is one of Spider-Man’s most formidable foes not just because of his strengths but because of their connection. He often cures Dr. Connors and seeks his help, so as much as Lizard is a villain, Connors is often a great ally to Spider-Man. Once notably helped him save Aunt May’s life. Portrayed by actor Dylan Baker in Spider-Man 2 and 3. Portrayed by actor Rhys Ifans in The Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man: No Way Home.
Lizard VS Spider-Man - Looter AKA Norton G. Fester: Amazing Spider-Man #36 (May 1966) Gains superhuman strength and durability from Meteor Gas. Though not as iconic as others, he’s come in and out of Spider-Man’s life for a very long time. Also sometimes known as Meteor Man.
- Man Mountain Marko AKA Michael Marko: Amazing Spider-Man #73 (June 1969) A street thug handily beaten by Peter Parker. He goes on a long villainous quest as a henchman of many greater villains until he gains the superhuman strength and durability he desires. As of 2022, he is blind and locked up for being a crappy father.
- Man-Wolf AKA John Jameson III: Amazing Spider-Man#124 (September 1973) J Jonah Jameson’s son goes through a lot before becoming the Man-Wolf and eventually becomes a hero. He is responsible for bringing Venom back to Earth in the 1990’s Spider-Man cartoon, but not the comics.
- Mephisto: Bible Tales for Young Folk #1(as a Serpent in April 1953) The Silver Surfer #3 (as Mephisto in December 1968). The devil? Yeah, the lord of Hell with godlike powers but much weaker when not in his realm. Throughout the years, his involvement with Spider-Man puts him on this list as a great enemy to the Web-Slinger. Still, he doesn’t make iconic status here as he is more an iconic enemy to the Silver Surfer or Ghost Rider.
- Mister Negative AKA Martin Li: Amazing Spider-Man #546 (January 2008) Manipulates the energies of Darkforce and Lightforce. They can use it to gain minor shapeshifting, empowerment, energy blasts, and a healing or corrosive touch.
- Morlun: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 #30 (June 2001) A powerhouse of an enemy who travels between dimensions to kill Spider Totems AKA Spider-Men/Women. All the same abilities as a vampire, he can and must drain life energy to stay alive.
- Morbius, the Living Vampire AKA Michael Morbius: Amazing Spider-Man #101 (October 1971)(ICONIC) Often an anti-hero or an ally. He is a doctor who becomes a vampire(vampires are real, and so is Dracula in the Marvel Universe)by an experiment. His struggle with bloodlust leads to confrontation and often killing and being the villain for his inability to control it. He is one of the more challenging encounters for Peter throughout the years. Parker understands his struggle but also has to stop him. Jared Leto plays him in the Morbius movie.
Morbius - Mysterio AKA Quentin Beck: Amazing Spider-Man #13 (June 1964)(ICONIC) Mysterio uses tools and tricks to manipulate surroundings with illusions and ruin his opponent’s sense of surroundings. He is also an expert hypnotist. Spider-Man has a Spidey Sense, making him the perfect foil for this dastardly fool. Sometimes his eyes trick him so perfectly, and the hypnotism works. Mysterio’s most iconic moment may be in the film Spiderman: Far From Home. He reveals Parker’s identity and makes it appear as if Spider-Man is a murderer. He is portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal in that movie. Some others dawn the Mysterio costume, but they either are less effective or just die. Oh, Beck also is used by Red Skull to trick Wolverine into killing all the X-Men in the Old Man Logan storyline. That’s pretty high up there in status.
See also: Wandavision Characters Guide
- Prowler AKA Hobie Brown: Amazing Spider-Man #78 (November 1969)(ICONIC) He doesn’t have powers but uses a suit. Hobie Brown is initially a villain who doesn’t want to hurt people. He only gives into theft after failing to hold down a job, is reformed by Spider-Man, and finds his way into becoming a hero. Donald Glover plays Hobie in Spider-Man: Homecoming. He is iconic for being one of the earliest anti-hero character’s in Spider-Man’s world. Often friend, sometimes foe.
- Prowler AKA Aaron Davis: Ultimate Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #1 (September 2011)(ICONIC) This version is more commonly an enemy of Miles Morales and gains iconic status for being one of the few non-Parker based enemies to play a large role in Miles’s run as Spider-Man. He does help rescue Miles when he is kidnapped. His powers also come from a suit.
- Puma AKA Thomas Fireheart: Amazing Spider-Man #256 (September 1984) Through concentration, he can transform into a cat-like man with all of his strengths and senses enhanced.
- Queen AKA Adrianna Anna Soria: The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 2 #15 (December 2004) Also known as the Spider-Queen. She transforms Spider-Man into a giant spider so he will have her babies. It’s so weird. She can give “spider-powers” but eventually turns the person she bestows them onto into a giant spider; via her saliva. She has superhuman strength, telepathy, insect manipulation, telekinesis, and a sonic scream.
- Regent AKA Augustus Roman: Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1 (June 2015) With the ability to mimic superheroes’ powers, he killed a crap ton of heroes, leaving only Spider-Man, who retreated to just protect his family. Needing to see it through, he forced Spider-Man out of hiding, and eventually, the Web-Slinger took him down for good.
- Rhino AKA Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich: Amazing Spider-Man #41 (October 1966) (ICONIC) Rhino is sometimes a mutant of great power and thick skin and sometimes a man in a Rhino suit. In the Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie, he is portrayed by Paul Giamatti. He has been a Spider-Man problem consistently for more than 50 years, and they’ve had over a dozen battles. He’s done many villain team-ups. Although he gets used often in other comic book arcs as a foil for many heroes, he will always be associated with Spider-Man.
- Sandman AKA William Baker/Flint Marko: Amazing Spider-Man#4 (September 1963)(ICONIC) One of the most powerful villains. His molecules are made up of sand that, through his mind(I guess), he can bring together and use as a massive weapon. He can make sandstorms or enter your body to freaking suffocate you. He can harden his sand for superhuman-like strength or make sand weapons. Initially, his powers were less threatening, and Spider-Man caught him by sucking him into a vacuum cleaner.
- Scorpion AKA Mac Gargan: Amazing Spider-Man #20 (January 1965)
Scorpion and Shocker as seen in the 1990’s Spider-Man cartoon. (ICONIC) Scorpion’s powers come from a suit, and he is usually a henchman. He gains iconic status, much like Rhino or Shocker, for being such a constant enemy. He finally gets a great storyline against Parker. In it, he bonds with the Venom symbiote and becomes incredibly more deadly than he had any right to be. His massive tail recognizable in any villains gallery.
- Shocker AKA Herman Schultz: Amazing Spider-Man #46 (March 1967)(ICONIC) He is always a second-fiddle player but often involved in significant stories revolving around Spider-Man’s life. He has a suit that lets him shoot out powerful, concussive blasts from his arms. He is kind of a likable bad guy in his lack of confidence and self-image issues make him relatable in most comics. He is portrayed in Spider-Man: Homecoming by Bokeem Woodbine.
- Silvermane AKA Silvio Manfredi: Amazing Spider-Man #73 (June 1969) A constant threat and crime boss. He’s almost iconic but doesn’t get enough appearances. His eventual cybernetic body makes this now old man a formidable foe in a fight…although he may just be a head at the moment.
- Sin-Eater AKA Stanley Carter: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #107 (October 1986) Eventually becomes an undead vigilante with an enchanted shotgun. Still, it’s a ploy to kill Parker as he was being controlled by Kindred.
- Spencer Smythe: Amazing Spider-Man #25 (June 1965) The man who invented the Spider-Slayers. Robots used to hunt and kill Spider-Man. A more prominent and iconic role in the 1990’s cartoon.
- Spot AKA Jonathan Ohnn: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #98 (January 1985) Using “Spots,” he can portal through dimensions. He can alternatively send just certain body parts through, like a punch. He won his first encounter against Spider-Man, who didn’t take him seriously enough.
- Stegron AKA Vincent Stegron: Marvel Team-Up (1st series) #19 (March 1974) A literal dinosaur-man with superhuman…all-the-dinosaur-like-things. He is often foiled by Spider-Man.
- Shriek AKA Frances Louise Barrison: Spider-Man Unlimited #1 (May 1993) A mutant with sonic powers, telekinesis, and able to bring out people’s dark sides. She became a drug dealer and took a bullet to the head. Now she’s a bit insane and often a severe problem for Spider-Man. An argument can be made for Shriek to be considered iconic.
- Swarm AKA Fritz von Meyer: Champions #14 (July 1977) His body is made up of and uses hundreds of thousands of bees. Usually, an Avenger villain, Swarm, ends up fighting Spider-Man many times, and his bees show fear of Spider-Man.
See also: Superman vs Darkseid: Battle of the Gods
- Tarantula AKA Anton Miguel Rodriquez: Amazing Spider-Man #134 (July 1974) (ICONIC) Many people take up the title Tarantula over the comic years as a sort of “evil” Spider-Man. But the original could go full spider in transformation, increasing his strength and spinning some big old webs.
- Tinkerer AKA Phineas T. Mason: Amazing Spider-Man #2 (May 1963) Not always a big player, he’s almost iconic for longevity. He is a genius-level scientist who makes robots more or less and often uses them to commit a crime.
- Tombstone AKA Lonnie Thompson Lincoln: Web of Spider-Man #36 (March 1988)Superhuman Strength. An enforcer and mob associate. He is a pretty consistent thorn in Parker’s side, almost making iconic status for appearances. He even threatened to kill Mary Jane at his earliest arrival, not knowing Parker to be Spider-Man, just trying to blackmail Parker.
- Venom AKA Eddie Brock: Amazing Spider-Man #300 (May 1988)(ICONIC) He’s a famous Anti-Hero now. For the longest time, no one hated Spider-Man as much as the rejected symbiote suit that became Venom. When combined with Brock’s hate for Peter Parker, you had the makings for a villain that had all of Spider-Man’s powers but boosted and could work around his Spidey Sense. This was a constantly difficult foe for the Web-Slinger. Realizing Venom’s only real problem was his desire to kill him, Spider-Man fakes his own death. This sends Venom on a path to a peaceful and crime-free life. Until Parker requires his aid to face Carnage, that is. Portrayed in Spider-Man 3 by Topher Grace. Portrayed in Venom, Venom: Let There be Carnage, and Spiderman: No Way Home by Tom Hardy
- Vermin AKA Edward Whelan: Captain America #272 (August 1982) Strength, reflexes, acute senses, and sharp claws and teeth. Often used by others to track down or assault Spider-Man.
- Vulture AKA Adrian Toomes: Amazing Spider-Man #2 (May 1963) (ICONIC) One of Spider-Man’s oldest foes, the Vulture uses wing tech to fly, but it’s his fearless nature, wit, and skills that constantly make him a serious problem for Spider-Man. He initially became a criminal as an act of justice. He enjoyed it so much he decided to keep doing it for fun. A tragic tale where he seeks redemption with his daughter after learning he has cancer but doesn’t really get it is the tale that gives him iconic status for me. That and being portrayed by Michael Keaton in Spiderman: Homecoming.
- White Rabbit AKA Dr. Lorina Dodson: Marvel Team-Up #131 (July 1983) This crazy martial artist may be the hidden inspiration for Harley Quinn but is lesser-known. Still, she often appears as a fun villain throughout Spider-Man’s comic history.
See also: Watchmen Universe Guide
Honorable Mentions
- Richard Fisk. Because he is Wilson Fisk’s son. Tries to take the place of Kingpin. Under a few aliases, he manages to pose minor trouble.
- J Jonah Jameson. Because even though he is Parker’s Boss, he is definitely an enemy to Spider-Man, who he constantly paints as a villain by skewering the news.
- The Sinister Six. While not any specific villain, it is a constant group of six Spider-Man enemies with the goal of ending the Wall Crawlers life.
- Speed Demon/the Whizzer. A super-fast villain who is often seen alongside Beetle.
- Mindworm. He turns good after dream-fighting Spiderman but has a tragic death that is pretty rough on Parker.
- Calypso. She is a voodoo priestess of reasonable power who is an accomplice of Kraven the Hunter.
- Jack O’Lantern. This villain takes on many forms in comics but is another Hobgoblin type character when they appear in Spider-Man.
- Thanos. Not technically a Spider-Man villain but thanks to the Avenger’s Films I’d be remiss not to add him. Snap.
The Worst of the Iconic Villains
Shocker. He’s one of my favorites, but he could really use a redemption arc or a power upgrade or anything. That poor guy. He’s almost always a guaranteed loss. Cool action figure, though.
The Best of the Iconic Villains
Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin. Because by best, we mean the evilest. Where others like Venom may be more popular, there’s only one Norman Osborn. He tricks Spider-Man into killing his first love, Gwen Stacy. He later murders Parker’s and Mary Jane’s unborn child. This level of Arch Enemy is top tier for any villain toward any hero. It’s as evil as you can get.
- This whole article is really just one long piece of trivia.
- The Amazing Spider-Man comic run is currently at over 801 issues.
- It does count as having taken a break at around issue 444, so it doesn’t hold the longest reigning title.
- There was a Spider-Man movie before the Tobey Maguire films. It was made for TV, had no real Spider-Man villain, and got a television series spin-off.
- Spider-Man was ranked the most popular superhero in one very intricate poll of world data.
Question: Who is the strongest Spider-Man Villain of all time?
Answer: In terms of pure power, Carnage probably takes the case.
Question: Which villain killed Aunt May?
Answer: Have you watched all the films? Because, Green Goblin, and add it to why he’s the freaking best. We mean worst. In the comics, though, she actually suffered a stroke. Revealing in her final breath, she always knew Peter was Spider-Man. I may have cried a bit; I don’t remember. You can read it.
Question: Did Spider-Man ever kill one of his Villains?
Answer: Not really. Spider-Man has tried to, actually. He nearly beat one bad guy to death before being stopped and purposely left that same villain to die with the clear desire for that to be what occurred. Who? Norman Osborn, of course. The Green Goblin.
True Believers
With over a thousand plus comics dedicated to his tales and adventures, the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has built up quite the list of bad guys. Though I did leave some on the chopping block due to sheer volume, there is no shortage of enemies to pique the curious eye’s interest. I hope we also draw some attention to many of the amazing tales of our plucky hero.
Feel free to check out the rest of the site and return to this list when you are looking for some info on one of the dozens of Spider-Man enemies that Marvel Comics has conjured up.
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